9th Grade Orations

Cicero Denounces Caitline
(Fresco by Cesare Maccari, 1889. Palazzo Madama, Rome)
Orations Databases
Ancient and Medieval History Online (Choose database/reference source; open chapter/section field)
Gale in Context: Biography (Choose database/reference source - for document type "Biography" - or database/magazine.)
Gale eBooks (Choose database/reference source OR database/book depending on the source...)
**Gale In Context: World History (Choose database/reference source)
Oxford Reference Online (Choose database/reference source)
**more advanced
Cleopatra Sources
Cleopatra: A Biography (3 users; exit book at top right of page when finished so other students have access)
In NoodleTools: Choose Database→ Book; NOT an efile.
Augustus Sources
Augustus. The Deeds of the Divine Augustus [Res Gestae]. Translated by Thomas Bushnell, 1998, Internet Classics Archive, classics.mit.edu/Augustus/deeds.html. Accessed 22 Jan. 2021.
Suetonius. "The Life of Augustus." 121 AD. The Lives of the Caesars, translated by J. C. Rolfe, Loeb Classical Library ed., U of Chicago, 2023, pp.123-287. LacusCurtius, penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Suetonius/12Caesars/Augustus*.html. Accessed 8 Jan. 2025.
Orations Project Overview
Dates of Major Political Events in Roman History
NoodleTools Option: Database→Reference Source
Punic Wars
1st Century BCE
NoodleTools Option: Database→Reference Source→E-publication (born digital)
Database Publisher: Oxford UP
Date of Publication: [Listed under Online Publication Date]
URL is the sharing link!
Date of access is today
Article/Entry Title: Timeline title + C. [Year - Year]
Reference Source Type: Other
Reference Source Title: Oxford Reference
Sample Citation:
"Rome C. 550BCE - 2005." Oxford Reference, Oxford UP, 2012, https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780191736575.timelin.... Accessed 21 Jan. 2025
Plutarch's Lives
Plutarch's The Parallel Lives (Online version - see example citation below)
- Marius
- Sulla
- Crassus
- Pompey
- Caesar
- Cicero
- Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
- Antony
In NoodleTools cite as a Website →Anthology/Collection
Plutarch. "The Life of Romulus." 1914. The Parallel Lives, translated by Bernadotte Perrin, Loeb Classical Library ed., vol. 1, U of Chicago, 2022, pp. 91-187. LacusCurtius, penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Plutarch/Lives/Romulus*.html. Accessed 9 Dec. 2024.