9th Grade Prophets
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- Always double check your exported citation for any errors!
Books in Print
Print Books - One Author (In NoodleTools: Choose Print/Book. You do not need to include the chapter information if it doesn't have a different author than the book):
- Meet the Prophets: A Beginner's Guide to the Books of the Biblical Prophets - Their Meaning, Then and Now by John W. Miller
- The Fiery Throne: The Prophets and Old Testament Theology by Walther Zimmerli
- Introduction to the Prophets by Paul L. Redditt
- The Hebrew Prophets by James D. Newsome, Jr.
Print Books - Editors/Reference (In NoodleTools: Choose Print/Reference Source. You must also include the title of the article/chapter and its author in your citation):
- Dictionary of the Old Testament Prophets edited by Mark J. Boda and J. Gordon McConville
- Various Bible Commentaries
Prophets Project Overview
Recommended Databases
For Journal Articles (Database/Journal) and Reference Sources (Database/Reference Source):
→ Religion and Philosophy Collection (EBSCO)
For Modern Issues (Databases):
→ Newspaper Source (EBSCO) (Database/Newspaper)
* See periodicals list on the homepage for more current events sources
→ Issues & Controversies (Database/Original Content)
→ Gale in Context: Global Issues (Database/ [see content type])
→ Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints (Database/ [see content type])
→ Gale Academic OneFile (Database/ [see content type])
Ebooks (Choose database/book with print publication information NOT E-Pub or E-file):
Exploring the Old Testament: A Guide to the Prophets - McConville / (unlimited users; p. #s) Also in print.
- Handbook on the Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Minor Prophets - Chisholm / (one user; p. #s) Also in print
- The Hebrew Prophets : An Introduction - Lundbom / (one user; p. #s)
- An Introduction to the Old Testament Prophetic Books - Bullock / (three users; no p. #s) Also in print
- Introduction to the Prophets, Their Stories, Sayings, and Scrolls- Leclerc / (concurrent access; no p. #s)
- The Minor Prophets - Feinberg / (three users; no p. #s) Also in print
- Old Testament Prophets for Today - Sharp / (unlimited users; p. #s)
Reference sources (Bible Commentaries) [Choose database/reference source]:
Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible - edited by Dunn and Rogerson / (unlimited users; no p. #s)
- New Collegeville Bible Commentary: Old Testament - edited by Durkin / (unlimited users; no p. #s)